
Tech Trends 2021

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In February 2021, Starcom Romania launched Tech Trends 2021, a new study that analyzes the behaviour of Romanian consumers in relation to the digital environment and technology. Tech Trends study was done on a sample of 809 persons,  both female and male, 18+ y.o., urban Internet users.

According to our study, 7 out of 10 urban internet users are interested in technology, while people over 45 have become more “digital-friendly.” At the same time, podcasts are becoming increasingly popular, while new apps like Clubhouse remain unfamiliar to consumers, with 67% of iOS users saying they have never heard of it.

The digital environment has responded to the needs of all age groups. Unsurprisingly, young people use to a greater extent the digital environment. The most significant differences between youth behaviour (18-24 years old) and average across all age groups were recorded in activities such as participation in online courses (55% vs. an average of 28%), listening to music online (61% vs. an average of 44%) and participation in online conferences (51% vs. 36%).

Moreover, people aged 35 to 44 used the digital environment mainly as a source of information and for participation in cultural events. In contrast, people over 45 began to be more “digital-friendly” in 2020, especially in making online payments, searching for information, and accessing online platforms.

Types of online platforms accessed in 2020  

E-commerce apps have been a top choice for Romanian users in the past 12 months, followed by a significant difference in banking apps, games, and social media.

Youngsters (18-24 y.o.) accessed games, movies, photo editing, and e-learning apps. Persons aged 25-34 accessed music, private transport services, videoconference, and nutrition apps, while more mature age segments have started to use banking, social, and e-mail apps more than in other years.

Top social media platforms 

Facebook continues to dominate the social media landscape and remains the most popular platform in Romania, followed by WhatsApp and YouTube. In 2020, women were more present on Facebook Messenger, Instagram, and Pinterest, while men had a greater affinity for Twitter, Viber, and Tinder.

Games and play 

Puzzle and strategy games are in the top preferences of Internet users from the urban environment. Puzzle is played to a greater extent by mature people (over 55 y.o.), and strategy games are played by younger generations (18-34 y.o.). In fact, the 18-34 segment are the most enthusiastic players and those who dedicate the most time to multi-player, shooter, and role-playing games. Persons aged 35 to 44 prefer adventure and combat types of games. Podcasts of the year  The study shows that podcasts have started to be more and more popular.

Approximately 6 out of 10 Internet users from the urban environment listen to podcasts for entertainment and relaxation, while approximately 40% appeal to them for educational and informative purposes (especially persons over 55 y.o.). Younger generations (18-34 y.o.) prefer inspirational podcasts and real stories from day to day life, while persons aged 45-54 listen to or watch technology podcasts to a greater extent.

Interest in technology 

Interest in technology among urban Internet users is fairly high: 67% declared themselves interested, and 40% are trying to stay updated and get informed about the latest technologies. Smart home appliances are the most popular technologies among urban Internet users, especially persons with high household income (44%) and those aged 25-34 (41%) who also intend to use them in the future.

These are followed by 5G technology, preferred especially by men and persons with high education, while green energy is of interest for the age segment 35-44 and also those with high income.

Advanced technologies such as: VR, AR, AI, and robots need more time to grow in order to be understood and accepted. Currently, although they are pretty known, the usage percentage is low (under 10%).

You can download the entire study from below View File
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